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photographer: Cristian Umili
Fisherman of cichlids in action, Likoma Island, Malawi, Africa

photographer: Cristian Umili
Lake Malawi's plants, Lake Malawi National Park, Malawi, Africa

photographer: Cristian Umili
Cormorant in flight in the Lake Malawi National Park, Malawi, Africa

photographer: Cristian Umili
An abandoned train in the old manganese mines of the Val Graveglia, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum in the Molinello mine in Val Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum in the Molinello mine in Val Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Some mushrooms that are born inside the mines in some periods of the year, oddly grow and even in the absence of light. Mine of Molinello, Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Toad (Bufo bufo) inside the Molinello mine, Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Miniera di Molinello, train that was transporting manganese ore from the interior of this abandoned mine in Val Graveglia, Genova, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Person looks the wall worked by the miners' chisels in an old slate mine in Lavagna site, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Scout is outing from the explosive room inside the Molinello mine, Val Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum sleeping in the Molinello mine in Val Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
still legible plate on a compressed air excavator which is located inside the Molinello mine still in the working position. Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
System of manganese enrichment, this is a machine for crushing and transport of extracted ore in containment silos. Graveglia, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Strinatii's cave salamander or Speleomantes strinatii who climbed on the jasper wall of a mine, Speleomantes strinatii, Graveglia, Liguria, Italy., Graveglia, Liguria, Italy.

photographer: Cristian Umili
Geotritonet and in the background common bat on limestone in a old mine Speleomantes strinatii with greater horseshoe bat, Graveglia, Liguria, Italy.

photographer: Cristian Umili
Paws and claws common bat, greater horseshoe bat, which cling to the limestone to sleep during the day, Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Geotritone, Speleomantes strinatii, on limestone in a mine that is being in a cave Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy.

photographer: Cristian Umili
Abandoned copper mine, the water carries with it the mineral that is colored with the contact with the water itself creating the natural sculptures. Zatta mountain, Graveglia valley, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Drop of water in the mine in Molinello Graveglia, inside you see the small scale crystals, Graveglia valley, Genova, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Group of bats, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum in the Molinello mine in Val Graveglia, Liguria, Italy, r

photographer: Cristian Umili
Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum in the Molinello mine in Val Graveglia, Liguria, Italy, resumed during the afternoon hours of a spring day

photographer: Cristian Umili
Miniera di Molinello, train that was transporting manganese ore from the interior of this abandoned mine in Val Graveglia, Genova, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
View of the death room in the tonnara when the net it pick up by the catch. It's the fish view, Camogli, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Arrival of the catch for the fish market, Tonnara di Camogli, Genova, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Arrival of the catch from Tonnara of Camogli and available in boxes for the fish market on the quay of Camogli, Liguria, Italy

photographer: Cristian Umili
Catch the nets of the Tonnara in the sea in front of Porto Pidocchio in the promontory of Portofino area, Genova, Liguria, Italy
Cristian Umili : Images found 34 |